Join us in touring the Arizona Jewish Historical Society and enjoying a no host lunch at the Miracle Mile Deli.
The tour will feature an interactive hologram, a virtual reality experience and a presentation by Dr. Ettie Zilber on "A Second-Generation Memoir: Growing Up with Holocaust Survivor Parents." Please do not miss this chance to meet and listen to Dr. Zilber and go through this highly informative museum. This will be a very touching and inspiring tour, especially in regard to what our world is currently going through.
Attendance is limited to 40 people. Final sign up and payment is due on Thursday, February 15th at 5:00 PM.
Addresses: Cutler • Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center, 122 E. Culver Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004
Miracle Mile Deli, 4433 N. 16th St., Phoenix, AZ 85016
Questions? Contact Clede Gorrell or Mary McMahon.